Monday, April 15, 2013

Day trip in Egypt to visit the pyramids of Giza

Day trip in Egypt to visit the pyramids of Giza

An invitation to visit the most beautiful place in the world .. An invitation to visit Egypt and wander among ancient Egyptian antiquities in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo's Tahrir area and visit the pyramids one of the seven wonders of Giza and see the Sphinx .. All this and more for one day at a cost of  ... From : 70 USD

pyramids of Giza 
About the Egyptian Museum : 
Contains the largest collection of the effects of ancient Egypt, a competitor to the British Museum and the Louvre and the Metropolitan Museum (New York) where the museum gallery contains the 136 A Pharaonic impact, in addition to hundreds of thousands of effects in warehouses.
Egyptian Museum

Inquire for details and Book with us on the following website

Egypt  Online Tours Team


  1. Pyramids in Egypt is really so amazing to see. I want to know its history & culture details so please suggest me. If you want to know the effects over pyramids of Giza then just ride on it.
